Home / Top Three Grooming Hacks for the KMC+

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Top Three Grooming Hacks for the KMC+

The Wahl KMC+ Animal Clipper is the latest innovation within the grooming industry. With the upgraded long life brushless motor, the Constant Speed Control that glides through all coat types at your speed, and the new textured housing design, the KMC+ is the grooming upgrade of 2024!

Wahl Ambassador @lovemuddoglady is loving the new KMC+ and presents three great grooming hacks that she’s found make her life easier when using the tool.

Purchase the New Wahl KMC+ Clipper Here. 

1. How to Avoid Clipper Tracks

Are you still getting horrid tracks on your dog’s coat?

This is a common annoyance in dog grooming, you’ve done all that hard work, and the result is still not to your liking, well with the KMC+ you can use the tips below and never have clipper tracks again.

  • Have a super clean, super dry coat
  • Clip in the direction of the coat growth
  • Invest in durable high performing clippers, like the KMC+.

2. How to Avoid the wagging tail

All dog groomers know that sometimes doing the job can be a lot easier said than done, and sometimes our little friends just do not want to cooperate when we’re clipping.

Its important not to clip into the wagging tail when clipping the lower back. So, Wahl Ambassador @lovemuddoglady recommends putting your hand through those back legs and holding the tail up, and out of the way. This keeps your pups tail protected whilst keeping them standing so you can tidy up the bottom area with ease.


3. make your puppy as comfortable as you are

When grooming a puppy loud noise such as a clipper or trimmer can be frightening, causing them to squeal and move. Even equipment that is super quiet gets them riled up. So, a top grooming hack from Wahl ambassador @lovemuddoglady is to let the puppy explore the tool before you use it. Turn the clipper off and let the puppy sniff the tool so they become more familiar with it, then work slowly and be sure to give the pup lots of breaks.

Wahl Ambassador @lovemuddoglady shares her top three grooming hacks for the KMC+
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