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World Beard Day – Beard Trends of the Last 100 Years
World Beard day!
When it comes to men’s fashion trends, nothing makes more of a statement than your facial hair. Whether you follow the trends or opt for an easy life, your beard style makes up part of your identity. Just like the hair on our heads, facial hair has had its fair share of trends and fads over time, often influenced by pop culture and innovation of new shaving products. Learn about the different styles of the last century this world beard day. Use code: BEARDDAY19 for 20% off all beard + stubble trimmers*1920s – 1950s
This era saw the introduction of the disposable razor, so beards were few and far between particularly in younger generations. Full beards were still donned by the older, more distinguished men of the time. The popularity of the clean-shaven look continued in to the 1950s, partly due to the influence of the World War. In 1958 Wahl introduced an Electric Shaver offering men the convenience of a close shave without the need to wet shave.
1960s – 1970s
The 60s saw a desire to express individuality through appearance. In general, hair was left to grow long so the untamed beard made a comeback. Moustaches and goatees were also popular, which meant trimmers were needed to keep them in shape. In general, this stayed the same throughout the 1970s. During this time, Wahl created the first cordless trimmer which gave men freedom and versatility to style their facial hair any way they desired. GET THE LOOK1980s – 1990s
Beard culture started declining again, as corporate lifestyles became more prominent. Individuality was still expressed through facial hair, particularly those that followed the Grunge trend. The latter years saw a fad of dyed beards, which thankfully isn’t making a comeback anytime soon. Wahl started selling the Groomsman trimmer, the first battery operated trimmer. Ideal for the corporate business man of the 80s. Following this, in the 90s Wahl began using Lithium Ion technology in products, to keep up with the needs of busy lifestyles.